Since the beginning of the Christian church, believers have consistently faced great difficulties and adversity. Listed below are four such Pastors who suffered greatly for their faith, some to the point of death.

  • Manasseh Ibrahim: a Nigerian non-denominational pastor in 2024
  • Luke Anwari: a Afghani Presbyterian Pastor in 2022
  • Georgi Vins: a Russian Baptist pastor in the 1970’s
  • Dietrich Bonhoeffer: a Lutheran pastor in the 1940’s

However, these pastors did not suffer alone; their congregations also suffered.  It is imperative that we also recognize that adversity within the church today is not limited to pastors and deacons.  Suffering affects all members, including but not limited to Sunday School teachers, worship team members, elderly saints, and children. Furthermore, hardship and adversity does not always mean persecution. Adversity also includes divisiveness, relational conflict and theological error. And, these aforementioned issues are on top of life’s normal challenges such as finances, looking for a spouse, child rearing and job difficulties. It is true that every church that Paul planted was birthed in adversity; however, the church at Thessalonica has multiple layers of adversity and serves as a great example for how God uses difficulties to strengthen HIS church and individual believers. Today’s message, titled The Church: Advancing in Adversity, presents five results of difficulties and hard times. One result is….

Christians grow in adversity

So, what sustains us during these difficult times of hardship and adversity? It is the prayers and the encouragement of the saints. We see this when Paul prays for and commends the Thessalonian church (1 Thessalonians 1:2-3). As Christ followers, we must understand that hardships are not toxins poisoning believers; rather, they are faith accelerators. Yes, trials test our faith and our endurance. This is why, Grace Life, that we must encourage one another by consistently gathering, worshiping and praying with your church family as we experience hardship. Through adversity Satan intends to crush our faith; God, in his wisdom, is using it to grow and to deepen our confidence in Him. Paul had only been with the Thessalonian church a short period of time, but the spiritual fruit of the gospel, rooted in our Lord Jesus Christ was evident. Sadly, Christians in 2024 are like water spickets turning this triad of ministry on and off like it is a summer drought. If, however, our source is the endless supply of grace and mercy in Jesus, then we too can live out this work of faith, labor of love and steadfast hope as the Thessalonian church has modeled for us!

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