A hallmark is a mark stamped on precious metals (i.e. gold, silver, platinum, etc.) to validate authenticity (10K is 41.7% purity, 14K is 58.3% purity, etc.).  When consumers purchase jewelry, these hallmarks are used as a guide. Like these hallmarks for precious metals, the Bible indicates their are hallmarks of true Christianity. For example, Jesus says  that we should love one another and, in doing so, all people will know that we are his disciples (John 13:31-35). To put this succinctly, love between believers is one such hallmark of a true believer. From 1 Thessalonians 2:13, we see a second hallmark of a true Christian. This hallmark is….

True Believers accept the Word of God as the Word from God

In Acts 17:2-4, we see that Paul reasoned with the Jews in the local synagogue that Jesus was the Christ. In contrast to others who attended or worshiped at the synagogue who were not true believers, these true Christian believers accepted the Word of God as the Word from God. Furthermore, they did not receive God’s Word passively; in contrast, they received it with the desire and plan to obey it. These words were considered authoritative. Like Paul, we believe the Holy Scripture is God-breathed, that is inspired by God (2 Timothy 3:16). And, because the Bible is God-breathed, it is authoritative in our lives today. Brothers and sisters, is God’s Word the supreme voice in your life? Or, does your heart and mind echo the words of the serpent in the garden that asked Eve the following question: did God really say you shall not eat from the tree (Genesis 3:1)? When your favorite politician and God’s Word collide, whose voice is authoritative? When our culture and God’s Word collide, whose voice is authoritative?

One way that we can discern faithful teaching and preaching of God’s Word is to ask the following questions: Is Jesus nothing more than a footnote to support the preacher’s argument or is the preacher explaining God’s word line by line? One of the reasons that we at Grace Life embrace consecutive expository preaching is that it forces those who preach to say what God says, the way God says it and to the degree that God says it. This method keeps the messages given from behind this pulpit tethered to God’s word. Grace Life, just like the true believers in Paul’s day from the Thessalonian church were distinct from those non-believers who were present, we too will be distinct from others who are present by accepting the Word of God as the Word from God. If the apostle Paul walked through your neighborhood or apartment complex today, would he look at your home and say that home, family or individual receives the Word of God as the Word from God?

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