Most of us remember when we learned how to drive and how “cool” it was to drive the family vehicle. We also remember that special day when we received our driver’s license and started driving on our own. In most cases, even though we had keys and were allowed to drive the family vehicle, we were reminded that the keys were on loan to us  and that our parents still owned them and the vehicle. In Matthew 16:13-19, Jesus informs us about the keys to HIS  kingdom. These keys symbolize God’s authority here on earth. And, by using these keys, the church represents God’s authority on earth. In this passage, we also learn that  Jesus’ kingdom authority is given to those who confess Him as the Christ.

Shortly before our Lord was crucified, a crucial conversation took place between Jesus and his disciples. This conversation occurred in the city of Caesarea-Philippi (today it is called Banias or Panias). At this time and place, multiple religious practices were taking place. Two of these practices were that 1) Greeks were actively worshipping Pan (the goddess of fertility) and 2) the Romans worshipped Caesar Augustus (the Roman Emperor). Here, Jesus asks his disciples, Who do people say the Son of Man is?” (Matthew 16:13).  They replied with the following: Perhaps John the Baptist? Or Elijah? Maybe Jeremiah? One of the prophets?  (Matthew 16:14). By how His disciples answered, it is obvious that the people knew Jesus was more than a rabbi. In verses 16 and 17, we read Peter’s answer and our Lord’s affirmation. Peter’s understanding that Jesus is the Christ and God’s son is much more than a reasonable deduction of a logical conclusion;  it takes supernatural intervention by God.  Likewise, the same applies to us today. Any of us who believe have experienced that same supernatural invention by God. The human heart and mind is predisposed against the exclusive claims of Jesus as God’s Son. For if Jesus is God’s Son then we must submit our life, our heart and our will to His. There is nothing more that the human heart prizes than autonomy and self-determination. Did you notice the three titles given to Jesus? the Son of Man (verse 13), the Christ (verse 16) and the Son of the Living God (verse 16). The Son of Man identifies his humanity.  The Son of God establishes His deity and The Christ confirms He fulfills the Old Testament prophecies (Daniel 7:13-14).   In this ecumenical, multi-faithed village of Caesarea-Philippi, true followers of God discern who or what is a false god and identify the true God, Jesus the Christ. In our global village of Houston, we must hold fast to this precise confession! Friend, can you say that Jesus is the Son of God?! Can you say that Jesus is the Savior?! All others are false gods. To answer these two questions in the affirmative requires a supernatural understanding that only God the Father reveals to you (John 6:44). This crucial conversation between Jesus and his disciples provides two essentials for our understanding of the church. The first is….

The church is a community of believers who confess Jesus as the Christ 

The following statement that Jesus’  makes to Peter is crucial:  “And I tell you, you are Πετρος (Peter) and on this πετρᾳ (rock) I will build my church (Matthew 15:17). Now, there are two primary ways to understand this: 1) Either Jesus is building the church on Peter himself or 2) Jesus is building the church on Peter’s confession? Now, by examining other verses, we learn that Christ himself is the true cornerstone or rock (Ephesians 2:19-20, Isaiah 28:16. I Corinthians 3:11). Thus, we can conclude that Jesus builds His church both on Peter’s confession and on all believers who confess that Jesus is the Christ. Those of us who proclaim this message are those who comprise Jesus’ church. In short, the church is a community of believers confessing that Jesus is the Christ and the Son of the Living God!

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