In Exodus 18, Moses (actually Jethro) provides principles of biblical leadership. They are taken from Exodus 18:13:27.
- Godly leadership humbly recognizes one person isn’t enough. Within a church context, this is the value of a plurality of elders, not a Baptist committee. but godly men who lead in the fear of God. One of the primary responsibilities of men who occupy this office is to identify other faithful men and to raise them up. (2 Tim 2) Godly leadership is constantly looking for others to raise up. Godly leaders disciple others, so that, in time, there are more individuals leading. If we aren’t seeking to replace ourselves, we’re not leading well.
- Godly leadership identifies God-fearing, trustworthy, integrity-filled persons to lead. Churches are notorious for placing people in leadership who speak the most, who are the most charismatic, who give the most, who manipulate the most, who have attended the longest. Wise leadership is not coerced into placing the wrong individuals into roles where people’s spiritual health is at stake.
- Godly leadership is faithful in smaller, less visible areas before they oversee larger, more visible areas. In the spirit of Paul’s words about placing someone in the office of deacon, they must first prove themselves. Moses placed wise men to oversee groups of ten, fifty, hundreds, and even thousands. (see Exodus 18:25)
- Godly leadership empowers others to make wise decisions. (Exodus 18:25) Moses delegated responsibility and authority.
- Godly leadership is accountable to others. (Exodus 18:25) The passage doesn’t record this but it seems likely that Moses or one of the other men in leadership would correct or instruct those in less prominent leadership roles. No one ever rises so high in leadership that they are not accountable. In fact, that’s often when leaders get in trouble. Accountability doesn’t mean there isn’t trust, but we understand the depths of depravity of the human heart. At times, it appears, that leaders forget their doctrine of sin once they rise to leadership. God keep us humble and invite accountability into our lives.
- Godly leadership provides a healthy, stabilizing effect for biblical community. (Exodus 18:26) Godly leaders weather cultural storms. In the context of a local church, wise leadership stands up and proclaims the next text. Godly leaders don’t abandon the ship when the wind is howling and the storm is raging. Godly leaders run to conflict, run to problems NOT away from them.