Our Worship Ministry
Exists to make disciples by assisting Grace Life’s congregational singing in the exhortation and encouragement of one another through hymns, psalms and spiritual songs; and by creating a focused environment for the communication of, and response to the Gospel. (Ephesians 5:19-20; Colossians 3:16)
See Below:
• Distinctives to Grace Life Worship
• Congregational Spotify Playlist
• How to Serve in the Worship/AV Team
Five Distinctive to Grace Life Worship
SCRIPTURAL: We want our songs to reflect biblical language, scriptural themes and to root us in theological truths.
CHRIST-CENTERED: We want our songs to be Christ-centered so that no one can leave our worship service without the clear understanding that Jesus is whom we are worshiping.
TRINITY GLORIFYING: We sing songs that reflect the triune God. We worship the Father through the mercy of the Lord Jesus and in the power of the Holy Spirit. (John 4:23-24)
CONGREGATIONAL: The congregation is meant to participate because we sing together and to one another. (Colossians 3:16)
WORSHIP: We are not merely singing, we are responding in worship, and worshipping by singing. (Mark 7:6)
New Congregational Song
I'm Interested in Serving
If you're interested in serving, let us know by filling out the form and a ministry team leader will follow up with you.
Areas to Serve
Membership at Grace Life is a pre-requisite to serve in any of the below positions.
AV team is a position of service and technology. It is a fun way to bless others by learning and using a skill that serves to enhance worship for all involved. We serve on a rotating basis and cross-train for times when someone is absent at their normal time to serve. Each position is taught by first shadowing and watching and then training with someone already skilled in the position. There is always someone close by to help when you are new and learning. We have a good time!
MAIN SOUND BOARD: This position is the sound engineer for Sunday services. It requires a good ear for music and knowledge of the equipment. Once our booth is expanded there will be room for someone training to sit next to the sound engineer to gain skill and knowledge of the board. This would require several weeks of training and would probably go from trainee to apprentice before handling alone. This position requires a 7:00 AM arrival to be part of practice and serving both services the Sundays scheduled.
PRO-PRESENTER: This position runs the slides and lights. You will learn the program Pro-Presenter. This position requires probably the most focus and concentration. It is a critical component to worship both in house and online. Worship flow is enhanced by having the lyrics available at the right time. This position also serves the worship team as the lyrics are also on the back screen and is their prompts for lyrics. Lighting changes several times during each service. Several weeks of training are provided before you are on your own and the service supervisor is also there to troubleshoot any issues.
CAMERA: This position runs our livestream camera. It requires concentration and knowledge of the camera. You will shadow a camera person and then have at least one service with that person watching and coaching you.
INSTRUMENTALIST: This person is confident in their instrument and is expected to practice with provided resources prior to their scheduled service.
VOCALIST: This person is confident in their ability to sing melodies and harmonies and would be expected to rehearse with provided resources prior to their scheduled service.